Excellence Scholarship
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100% scholarship opportunity for Grades 7-11 in 2025/2026
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Premier Scholarship
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75% scholarship opportunity for Grades 7-11 in 2025/2026
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Thrive Scholarship
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25%-50% scholarship opportunity for Grades 7-11 in 2025/2026
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An Opportunity for Aspiring Grades 7-11 Scholars
The SPH Breakthrough Scholarships is an opportunity for Indonesian students to experience an outstanding education at SPH regardless of financial means.
This year, Sekolah Pelita Harapan (SPH) opens a new batch of the Breakthrough Scholarship program for students applying for Grades 7-11* in the 2025/2026 academic year with distinct academic excellence, whose tuition will be funded from the grade of entry until graduation in Grade 12.
This scholarship suits aspiring, brilliant students eager to make an impact. Apply before 15 August 2024 and be an #sphscholar today.
*Please refer to our FAQ to see the types of scholarships offered and the grade levels available at each campus.
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Student Dormitory Scholarship At SPH Sentul City
The SPH Breakthrough Scholarships is an opportunity for Indonesian students to experience an outstanding education at SPH regardless of financial means. The SPH Breakthrough Scholarship is an opportunity for all Indonesian students across the archipelago to experience an outstanding education at SPH.
In addition to education financial support, the scholarship program includes partial dormitory funding (25%) for students looking for a boarding option. This option can be found in SPH Sentul City’s Pelita Harapan House (PHH) in the Bogor area. Students are invited to encounter a learning and living experience like no other, where the green outdoor space complements the daily supervised study time.

Our dormitory is more than a place to stay; it is a home to excel and gain life skills in preparation for university life and beyond.
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Find out the required documents for your scholarship application here
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Learn about the 7 simple steps you will need to take to be an SPH Breakthrough Scholar
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SPH has 5 campuses around the Jabodetabek area. All our campuses are safe, secure, and equipped with facilities to enhance every child's learning experience and skill-building. Explore our campuses below and discover the unique culture that shapes our community!
Lippo Village
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Sentul City
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Lippo Cikarang
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Kemang Village
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Pluit Village
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Our scholarship application has a set timeline. Learn more and mark your calendars for these important dates.
What Our Students & Alumni Say
Class of 2026
SPH Lippo Village
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Class of 2026
SPH Lippo Village
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Class of 2025
SPH Lippo Village
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Class of 2024
SPH Sentul City
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Class of 2025
SPH Sentul City
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Class of 2023
SPH Lippo Cikarang
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Class of 2023
SPH Lippo Cikarang
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Class of 2026
SPH Kemang Village
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Class of 2025
SPH Kemang Village
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Class of 2025
SPH Kemang Village
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Class of 2026
SPH Pluit Village
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Class of 2026
SPH Pluit Village
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Download our Scholarship FAQ
Find all you need to know about SPH Breakthrough Scholarships in this downloadable brochure
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