SPH is dedicated to caring for and protecting each one of the students entrusted to us. We believe it is the responsibility of SPH to provide a safe environment for our students who are in attendance or who participate in an SPH sanctioned activity.
As a Christian school seeking to reflect the love of God and engage in the redemptive restoration of all things in Him, we acknowledge a spiritual responsibility to each student. We seek to receive students as Jesus did in Mark 10, to keep them safe as he instructs in Matthew 18, and to do what is right in the eyes of the Lord as well as others (2 Cor. 8:21). Additionally, we believe that to authentically view the world is to acknowledge and state that sin exists including sins committed against children.
 Our school communities need to understand that this responsibility is taken seriously on our campuses and that we will follow both the guidance of God’s word as well as sound reasoning from outside sources available through God’s common grace. We take seriously the UN Convention of the Rights of the Child and seek to take measures to protect students from all forms of violence, abuse, neglect, maltreatment, or exploitation while in our care (Article 19 UNCRC). All persons are created in the image of God, are created equal, and have the same rights. We seek to maintain an environment where children not only are safe but know they are safe.
For more information contact the Child Safety Officer at your child’s campus: