Yuniarti Katu

Junior School Principal at SPH Lippo Village

My journey with education began 21 years ago, discovering my passion for teaching and dedicating myself to this calling ever since. In 2024, I celebrate my 20th year at SPH, where I have had the privilege to serve in various roles. From the moment I encountered SPH’s vision and mission, I was drawn to its commitment to holistic Christian education in Indonesia. I feel profoundly blessed to be part of this divine opportunity. My heartfelt hope is that our students will earnestly seek the Truth in Jesus Christ and make a meaningful impact on the world, reflecting His glory in all they do.

Educational Background:

  • Bachelor of Engineering, Telkom University, Indonesia
  • Master of Education in Leadership, Morling College, Australia
  • ACSI Principal Certification
  • ACSI Christian Educator Certification
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