Our community embraces parents whose involvement helps make SPH better as they are consulted in the learning process.
Parents become part of a strong and established SPH family, wherein we get to know and work with each one personally.
- Parents Advisory Group
A Parent-School
The Parents Advisory Group (PAG) aims to develop strong partnerships between parents and the school.
The PAG was initially formed at the Lippo Village campus in 2005. Now, it is present and thriving on all five SPH campuses.
PAG has four main purposes:
- Bridging and building communication and trust between parents, teachers, and the school;
- Providing a platform for parents to provide constructive input and positive advice;
- Serving as a two-way communication platform for school policies and programs; and
- Creating a strong community for students and teachers aligns with SPH’s vision and mission.
PAG organizes various events to foster bonds within the community and bless those inside and outside the SPH circle. These events include fundraising through a PAG fundraiser bazaar and an eye clinic, which provides free eye check-ups and eyeglasses for SPH staff.
PAG also distributes donations and collaborates with non-profit organizations such as Yayasan Pendidikan Harapan Papua (YPHP), Yayasan Kanker Anak Indonesia (YKAI), and Rumah Faye.
Parents’ dedication serves as a great blessing to each of the SPH campuses and other communities outside the school.
Parents Support Programs
We believe education begins at home with parents as children’s first educators. We believe our partnership with parents can equip them through parenting seminars covering various topics such as parenting teenagers, children’s gadget use, sex and gender issues, and many more.
We also provide platforms for parents to connect and share through programs such as Mom Small Groups, Moms’ Prayer, Bible Studies Group, and Parents’ Devotion Program.
With the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the community’s support, we are hopeful our SPH parents can grow into the kind of parents God has called them to be.
- Stories
Yunike Golioth Sasmito
– Parent at SPH Kemang Village
Several years ago, I was appointed as a member of PAG. Since joining the PAG, God has been teaching me a lot about how to serve others and deal with different people. Most importantly, God is shaping me through the parenting program which is one of SPH’s strong points. Some of my friends have been curious about these parenting seminars since they do not have anything similar in their schools.
The parenting seminars help us deal with our children. I take the biblical principles, lessons and great advice from those seminars and apply them to my kids at home. I also joined the Moms’ Small Group (MSG) with Ibu Soekarmini. Attending the parenting seminars and joining MSG has really helped me practically apply what we learn in the Bible for our parenting journey

- Stories
Sherly Sharani
– Parent at SPH Sentul City
The parenting programs at SPH Sentul are second to none. Parenting seminars are informational and very applicable in my home. I am also currently participating in the MSG (Moms’ Small Group) which encourages us, as wives and mothers, to place our priorities for our children’s growth – physically, mentally and spiritually – all for the glory of God. Furthermore, I am grateful for being a Class Parent Representative (CPR), as well as a member of weekly morning prayer and Bible study group wherein we pray for the school members including students, teachers and staff.