Through the long history of Sekolah Pelita Harapan, we have been fortunate enough to meet with many people from various backgrounds, and to be able to shape and better their lives.
Here are some testimonies from them that hopefully give some insight into what SPH stands for.
- Alumni Testimonies
Nathaniel Gray Sutanto
SPH LV Class of 2009
Assistant Professor of Systematic Theology at Reformed Theological Seminary
“My time at SPH truly made a positive impact on me and among the highlights were the caring teachers and supportive community.
When I was at SPH, I was a delinquent student, to say the least. I never really listened to my teachers and often fell asleep in class. I now realized that even though I did not listen, a lot of teachers paid attention to me and cared for me. SPH is not a place that expels or rejects you, Instead, it is a community that pursues you because they truly care. They invite you back in to restore you. For example, I once asked a rl and my ethics teacher. Instead of being shunned, he invited me to his office to talk over coffee.
A lot of schools are motivated by achieving high academic results. To them, numbers matter more than people. At SPH, people matter more than the numbers.”

- Alumni Testimonies
Hugo Leo
SPH LV Class of 2018
University of Pennsylvania
SPH really taught us how to think and not only what to think, and that is really important.
SPH doesn’t only focus on academics, but also on personal development in terms of character building through a lot of one-on-one sessions with our teachers. This helps us develop ourselves to be agents of change who will positively impact the people around us.

- Alumni Testimonies
Rachel Ho
Class of 2009
SPH really helped me to ask important questions that other teachers in the past were not willing to help me answer or were too scared of me asking.
That really helped me to become an open-minded person and to explore a lot of different things in my life. After 10 years, I still very much remember all my teachers and I remember the lessons that they taught me. I remember the education and the tough love they gave me and because they weren’t just teaching me facts, they were helping me to become a more holistic person, still, I’m very grateful to them to this day.

- Alumni Testimonies
Melvin Hade
Class of 2013
SPH became an integral part of my life.
SPH had a significant role in shaping me as a person, my philosophies, my values, and my dreams. I completely enjoyed the learning experiences at SPH due to the great teachers and staff, the best school facilities, and the vibrant community surrounding my learning. The IB curriculum especially prepared me very well for my university. I was able to complete my bachelor’s degree at the University of Indonesia in 3.5 years, graduating with Cum Laude honors and the Highest GPA Award.

- Alumni Testimonies
Hezkiel Arya Nanda
SPH SC Class of 2011
Calvin College
SPH Sentul City and Pelita Harapan House (PHH) taught me many life lessons. When I lived at PHH, my parents were not there. I realized that my freedom gave me a choice to become responsible and independent.
I also developed good relationships with my teachers, supervisors and staff members at school. Likewise, I viewed my teachers as mentors, my supervisors as big brothers, and sisters and staff members as friends.
The environment at SPH Sentul City and PHH is loving, caring and disciplined, rooted in the right foundation. During my first year of college, I found the transition fairly easy and manageable due to my previous school and dorm life experience.

- Alumni Testimonies
Krisnanda Suprapto
SPH LC Class of 2019
EU Business School, Munich, Germany
The curriculum taught in SPH LC, specifically the IB curriculum which offered me the opportunity to choose subjects offered by the school gave us the freedom to study what we actually enjoy learning about.
We were also trained how to write essays, give presentations and answer exam questions which have helped a lot in the university. Another strong point of SPH is the bond between teachers and students that feels different from other schools. The teachers always give their best effort and always try to make learning interactive for their students. Teachers are always available, anytime, and they are always there to support students.

- Alumni Testimonies
Naomi Nielsen
SPH KV Class of 2021
National Girl Soccer Athlete
SPH KV stands on the Biblical perspective and Biblical worldview: True Knowledge, Faith in Christ and Godly Character. That was instilled in me when I was very young and so I’m blessed to have grown up with that vision and mission.
SPH has witnessed my entire growth since I was a pioneer student of SPH Kemang Village in the 2nd grade. Ever since I was small, there has been constant support and love. I know that they looked out for me, cared for me and that I could talk to anyone. I never once felt scared to voice my opinion or express how I felt to any of the teachers. Especially in my IBDP years, I was supported by my IB coordinator and teachers since IB was very tough to manage. My counselor helped me a lot and, although it wasn’t easy, they all guided me through.

- Parents Testimonies
Marlene Sunotoredjo
SPH LV Parent
We chose SPH not just for the strong academics and great international standard facilities, but also for the opportunity to partner up in raising our children as men and women of great character.
We also have a tight-knit parent association, the PAG, which allows us to contribute our ideas to the school. I appreciate that SPH treats us as equal partners and truly values our thoughts in raising our children by always considering our opinions in every school decision and policy.

- Parents Testimonies
Hindra Irawan
Parent at SPH Sentul City
For 16 years, we have observed our children’s development in SPH Sentul City. At SPH, the teaching and learning process is not a one-way approach. Students have the opportunity to ask questions, give opinions, and appropriately express themselves. Our children especially have developed research skills and gained confidence in communication and public speaking.
Our eldest son is currently studying abroad and we are amazed to see how he manages to adapt well to a new environment and live independently. We believe that the values, skills, and work ethics that SPH implanted in him have shaped our son to be the person he is now.

- Parents Testimonies
Esther Sihombing
Parent at SPH Lippo Cikarang
After three years studying at SPH, we are really happy to see how our children have grown in their knowledge and spirituality. The school’s practices align with their vision of True Knowledge, Faith in Christ and Godly Character.
Another strong point of SPH LC is the tight-knit and culturally diverse community. Having friends and teachers that come from different countries increased my children’s ability to adapt and mix with people of different cultural backgrounds and races. By meeting people of different ethnicities, they have also learned how to treat people accordingly and respect them individually. Thank you SPH LC for being a second home for my two children. We look forward to our third child following his siblings in SPH LC.

- Parents Testimonies
Yunike Golioth Sasmito
Parent at SPH Kemang Village
Several years ago, I was appointed as a member of PAG. Since joining the PAG, God has been teaching me a lot about how to serve others and deal with different people. Most importantly, God is shaping me through the parenting program which is one of SPH’s strong points. Some of my friends have been curious about these parenting seminars since they do not have anything similar in their schools.
The parenting seminars help us deal with our children. I take the biblical principles, lessons and great advice from those seminars and apply them to my kids at home. I also joined the Moms’ Small Group (MSG) with Ibu Soekarmini. Attending the parenting seminars and joining MSG has really helped me practically apply what we learn in the Bible for our parenting journey.

- Parents Testimonies
Johan Fanggara
Parent at SPH Pluit Village
For 16 years, we have observed our children’s development in SPH Sentul City. At SPH, the teaching and learning process is not a one-way approach. Students have the opportunity to ask questions, give opinions, and appropriately express themselves. Our children especially have developed research skills and gained confidence in communication and public speaking.
Our eldest son is currently studying abroad and we are amazed to see how he manages to adapt well to a new environment and live independently. We believe that the values, skills, and work ethics that SPH implanted in him have shaped our son to be the person he is now.

- Students Testimonies
Leonard Christian
Student at SPH Sentul City
SPH has given me opportunities to excel in academic subjects and shape my spiritual growth.
It has also enhanced my skills in becoming more critical when solving problems and careful when making decisions. Since SPH provides an international curriculum, it allows me to articulate balanced perspectives, develop advanced research, and be an engaged individual who participates in clubs and organizations. Not to mention that SPH also has a good community with supportive friends and well-trained teachers. Well, I have met and created a new family here!

- Students Testimonies
Student at SPH Lippo Cikarang
SPHLC has really shaped and defined me as a person, they always respect and encourage us to become the best version of ourselves that God wanted us to be.
I have been at SPH Lippo Cikarang since 2013, so it has been 8 years now. I believe that all of the experiences I had in life are a culmination of the SPH LC culture itself. Everyone here is encouraged to be kind, to welcome everyone, especially new people, and to always practice values such as open-mindedness. These cultures and values that SPH LC holds have become a part of me as well. I would always try my best to spread kindness such as by welcoming everybody with open arms, especially the new students who joined my class.
This school has made me who I am today and I’ll be forever grateful for that.

- Students Testimonies
Ayra Sirait
Student at SPH Kemang Village
SPH helps me to hone my skills and encourages me to become more confident.
At first, I was a shy person and I didn’t like speaking in front of an audience. But during my time at SPH, I started to develop my social and public speaking skills.
Another thing I love about SPH is the tight-knit community, the relationships we have with our teachers, staff, friends, seniors, and juniors. Everyone knows everyone, and there is no awkwardness, just a wonderful community that continues to push me to become a better person, student, and of course, a better Christian.

- Teachers Testimonies
Jonah Narciso
Teacher at SPH Pluit Village
I left the Philippines fourteen years ago with a calling from God to go to Indonesia. My decision to leave my home and teach at a Christian School in a majority Muslim country was an excellent opportunity to serve God.
I have experience teaching in three different SPH campuses: SPH Lippo Cikarang, Kemang Village, and now at SPH Pluit Village where I serve as the curriculum coordinator. Having experienced both the IB and Cambridge programs, I am now well equipped to lead and work alongside passionate teachers so that they can better serve their students.
SPH has taught me to be a teacher who educates children from the viewpoint of the gospel, molding students to become disciples of Jesus. It is truly inspiring to be part of a school that trains Indonesia’s future leaders and change-makers.

- Teachers Testimonies
Levi Bollinger
Teacher at SPH Lippo Village
Hi, I’m Levi and I teach English at Senior School at SPH Lippo Village. I’ve been working here at the IB program here for the last 7 years. There are a few things that I really enjoy about this curriculum. At SPH, we’ve been using various aspects of the IB for a long time, and that means, we have a lot of experience running a very fine curriculum.
In the Senior School, I really appreciate that the IB teaches from a global perspective and it emphasizes holistic education. We as teachers work hard to ensure students can apply the skills that they learn in a variety of ways, for example, in the Mission Service Learning, Creativity Action Service (CAS), and Personal Project Exhibition. In simple terms, the IB is not just about memorizing but it’s also about applying; it’s not merely answering questions but asking new ones.
As a teacher, I get excited when I see these things taking place in class. These types of experiences will really stick with the students for a long time, making them lifelong learners beyond their school years.