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As a parent, you play an essential role in your child’s education journey. Some things that you may prioritize are their well-being, happiness, and academic success. However, finding the right balance between providing adequate support and overbearing hovering that may negatively impact your child’s academic progress can be challenging.

What exactly does it mean to be an overbearing parent that constantly hovers? It means that you are always monitoring and examining your child’s learning behaviors, scores, and every move. While it’s important to know how your child is doing in school, excessive micromanaging can potentially cause your child to develop anxiety and stress, which can be detrimental to their academic progress. But before we delve into tips on how to create healthy parent involvement in education, parents should understand why actively participating in their child’s education is crucial.

The Importance of Parent Involvement in Education

Below are four main reasons why parental involvement is crucial for their children’s education:

1. It Increases Children’s Achievement

Parent involvement increases children’s motivation to learn, which typically results in higher grades. The extent of parents’ involvement plays a crucial role in producing a high impact on children’s achievement. The higher the involvement, the more significant the impact on the child’s academic performance. A study examines and identifies three levels of parental involvement – high, medium, and low. The study’s findings indicate higher academic achievement among students from highly and moderately involved parents compared to those from less involved families.

2. It Promotes Better Behavior

This study finds that a parent who’s engaged in a child’s academic journey makes a big impact on the student. This parental support results in:

  • Enhanced self-esteem for the student.
  • The ability for the child to maintain positive relationships with teachers and peers.
  • Improved attitude toward school.
  • Less disobedience.

Conversely, research indicates that uninvolved parents may harm the child’s behavior. This effect may lead to the child developing a negative attitude towards the teachers.

3. It Reduces Absenteeism

Parental involvement is essential to ensure that children go to school regularly. Research shows that when parents are effectively involved in their child’s education, truancy rates are reduced.

For example, a study conducted on middle school students in a public school found a clear link between parental involvement and lower rates of absenteeism. As parents became more involved, the number of missed school days dropped.

High rates of absenteeism can have serious consequences. Research from the University of California highlights how it can negatively impact social-emotional learning (SEL), impeding the development of vital skills such as self-efficacy, social awareness, self-management, and a growth mindset.

Furthermore, absenteeism is closely tied to decreased academic performance. Studies have consistently shown that when students miss classes, their grades suffer.

Moreover, absenteeism can increase the risk of students dropping out of school. Jason A. Schoeneberger, author of the Longitudinal Attendance Patterns study, underscores this point. Dropping out can lead to long-term challenges like low income, unemployment, and higher involvement in criminal activities. Thus, reducing absenteeism through parental involvement is crucial for ensuring students’ academic success and future prospects.

4. It Improves Parent and Teacher Satisfaction

Other than promoting student achievements, parental involvement in education proves advantageous for both parents and teachers. It develops a positive relationship characterized by mutual respect. This collaboration benefits the child’s teacher in the following ways:

  • Parents develop an understanding of the challenges that teachers face. This boosts the teacher’s morale and improves their performance.
  • The interaction between the parent and the teacher enables the teacher to gain insights into the student’s personality, allowing them to teach in a personalized manner.
  • Facilitates better communication between teachers, parents, and school administrators. This will increase the likelihood that parents will help with homework completion according to the teacher’s requests.

Similarly, parents who are actively involved in their child’s learning process experience several benefits:

  • Increased confidence in their parenting capabilities.
  • They gain a better understanding of their child’s intellectual and emotional needs.
  • Enhanced communication empowers parents to voice concerns about the school’s practices.
  • Parents become knowledgeable about their children’s developmental stages and how to use positive reinforcement effectively for each stage.

Thankfully, in this digital era, many resources are available at your fingertips to help your kids succeed in the classroom. If you’re a Christian parent seeking to demonstrate healthy involvement in your children’s education, check out these helpful tips!

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Tips for Healthy Parent Involvement in Education

1. Things to Keep in Mind

Throughout this process, it is crucial to establish trust with your child. While it’s natural to want to monitor their progress and grades closely, it’s important to instill a mindset of self-reliance and confidence in their ability to achieve success. Let your child know that you trust them and are there to support them through both the ups and downs of their academic career. It can comfort your child to know that you are not demanding perfection but rather progress. Every child is born unique, which also means that their ability and speed to master a subject differs from one another. Therefore, it is of the essence to embrace this part of their journey!

2. Encourage Independence and Ownership 

Encouraging independence in your child’s learning journey is crucial for their development. As your child grows up, they need to learn how to take responsibility and ownership of their education. An effective way to help them develop this skill is by encouraging them to take charge of their school projects, homework, and study habits. As parents, you can step in and assist your kids in the planning process by creating a schedule and action plan that is specifically tailored to them.

When it comes to older students, it’s crucial to be flexible with their busy schedules. If your kids are enrolled in middle or high school, you can teach them to utilize several tools to manage their schoolwork and extracurricular activities, such as digital calendars and habit tracker spreadsheets, so that they’re ahead of their assignments, upcoming exams, or sports games. As students grow, so does their workload, so it can be easy for them to miss a few deadlines and become unprepared for tests. By teaching them to be proactive, plan their study sessions, and become familiarized with digital tools and spreadsheets, you are bound to set them up for success!

Allowing (and encouraging) them to make their own decisions and learn from their mistakes can boost their confidence and make them feel more capable of handling challenges in the future. It’s also good to remember that making mistakes and not performing well on some assignments is inevitable. As parents, this is an excellent opportunity to guide them through their misses and see what adjustments can be made to their learning routines to prevent them from reoccurring.

Remember that while it’s important to take a step back and give them the space to grow, this is still a team effort, and as parents, there are still things you can do to assist them in achieving academic success.

3. Creating a Positive Learning Environment at Home

Establishing a conducive learning environment at home is important for your child’s academic success. Children are easily distracted; therefore, ensure that you have a dedicated, quiet, and organized space for optimal concentration and focus. In addition, it would also help to invest in a number of resources such as books, gadgets that contain learning applications, and other educational materials.

While it may sound like a simple task, ensuring they have a positive learning environment can help your children enjoy their study time and increase their motivation to learn. Regularly assess their study space and adjust it to meet their changing needs and avoid boredom. This can also be a bonding experience where you can get to know their interests beyond the classroom.

4. Learning Routines for Children

Get started on letting your children take accountability for their learning journey by setting up a study routine together. This routine can be as simple as setting aside a specific time each day to complete homework or study. For example, you could establish a routine where your child spends an hour after dinner each day to review their school work and complete any outstanding assignments. Alternatively, you might encourage your child to start each morning by reading any learning materials or practicing their math skills. By consistently following a routine, children will learn to take ownership of their progress, develop a strong work ethic, and work on their time-management skills. Lastly, you can find a time that works for you and your kids to schedule a check-in and reflect on their progress and results. Depending on your child’s needs and preferences, this can be weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly.

If your kids are taking on more complex learning materials or preparing for college entrance exams, it will help to take on a more creative study approach as opposed to depending on conventional methods. With conventional study methods, students often find themselves spending long hours in front of books while taking notes. However, this process can be ineffective and tedious for many, so make sure to practice active reading and use memory aids such as mnemonics and flashcards. Lastly, study groups are immensely helpful in this process.  By working collaboratively with their classmates, your kids can be motivated to perform their best while also learning from their peers.

5. Patience is a Virtue

Patience is a valuable virtue when it comes to guiding children with their schoolwork. Many of us can recall the times when we sought help from our parents for a tricky math problem, only to be met with frustration and anger. This kind of hostile response can discourage children from asking questions and seeking guidance in the future.

As parents, it’s important to remember that each child has their own unique learning style and pace. Some may take longer to solve a mathematical equation, while others may pick it up quickly. It’s crucial to take the time to understand your child’s individual needs and provide them with the support and encouragement they require.

Rather than becoming angry or frustrated, try to remain calm and patient when helping your child. Celebrate their successes, no matter how small, and offer constructive feedback when mistakes are made. This positive reinforcement will help your child become more motivated to study and gain confidence. Most importantly, by implementing these things, your children will understand that learning with you can be a safe space where errors are allowed in the process.

6. Establishing a Dialogue with Teachers

Your child’s teachers are present for most of their learning journey. Therefore, regular communication with them is critical to helping your children succeed in school. We all want our little ones to excel academically, but sometimes it can be challenging to know where to start. Establishing a collaborative relationship with their teachers can make the world of a difference. Most importantly, it shows that you care!

By talking with your children’s teachers about their progress, you can gain valuable insights into their performance while also identifying their pain points. Since teachers have extensive experience in assisting children, creating study plans, and addressing specific learning difficulties, they can offer creative solutions to any challenges your children may face. This would also be a good time to inquire about any learning support programs or resources that the school provides.

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In addition, it’s also important to note that teachers are not only focused on your child’s academic success but also on their overall well-being. By partnering with teachers, you can stay informed about any social or behavioral issues and work together to address them.

All in all, the key to success is communication and collaboration with other figures that play a role in your child’s journey. By joining forces, you can help your children achieve their full potential and foster a positive and engaging educational experience. So don’t hesitate to reach out to their educators and start the conversation!

7. Embrace Your Children’s Interests Outside of the Classroom

Being in school from Monday to Friday, doing homework, and studying for tests in between can lead your children to burnout. Being a part of their education journey is not just about being there for parent-teacher conferences and volunteering at school events but also about showing an interest in their extracurricular activities!

Showing interest in your child’s passions, whether it be sports, music, or art, can strengthen your relationship with them. Attending their games or recitals can have a positive impact, demonstrating that you care about their interests. This reinforces the idea that you support them in all aspects of their life, not just academically. Moreover, this can be a great outlet for self-expression and a much-needed break from academic stress. Remember, supporting your child in their hobbies and interests is important in fostering a healthy, well-rounded individual.

8. Involve God in Every Step

The Bible teaches a number of key values, such as diligence, self-discipline, and perseverance. As God-fearing individuals, you can help your children develop a sense of purpose and greater meaning in their academic pursuits by encouraging them to approach learning with a Christ-like attitude. Remind them to seek guidance and support not only from parents and teachers but also from God through prayers and action. This can be done by starting each study session or exam with a prayer to seek wisdom and give thanks to Him for the outcome of their studies.

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Being involved in your child’s education journey is crucial to their success, but finding the right balance between support and hovering is important. Always remember that every child is unique, and there’s no one-size-fits-all approach to parenting or education. By participating in their learning process, involving their teachers, encouraging extracurricular activities, and adopting a Christ-like attitude during their learning process – you are steps ahead in unlocking their full potential!

Here at Sekolah Pelita Harapan, our learning program will ensure that your children excel inside and outside the classroom while putting Christ at the center of everything they do. Click here to learn more and get started today!

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Sekolah Pelita Harapan

Established in 1993, Sekolah Pelita Harapan (SPH) has become a trusted International Christian School in Jakarta providing Christian education for Indonesian and expatriate families. As a dedicated partner in education, SPH seeks to empower families with personalized programs and resources, fostering academic excellence, nurturing faith, building character, and facilitating their children's personal growth.