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Christian parents today are faced with the pressing task of raising their kids well in the face of rapid technological advancement. We cannot ignore the significant impact of technology in this digital era. Still, as children are exposed to a wide range of digital content and experiences, parents need to be aware and vigilant of how they might shape their children’s beliefs, values, and behavior.

Christian Parenting in the Digital Age

Encouraged by teachings found in the Bible, Christian parenting in the digital age allows parents to guide and shape their children’s technology use in a way that is consistent with Christian values and teachings. This can include teaching children to use technology responsibly, to be respectful of others online, and to be mindful of the content they consume and engage with. By incorporating Christian values and teachings into their parenting style, Christian parents can help their children consistently navigate the digital world with their faith.

Simply put, Christian parenting in the digital age is important as it allows parents to help their children develop a strong sense of faith, morality, and responsible behavior in the digital world. It also allows children to stand firm in their faith and values even in a fast-paced digital age.

7 Tips for Christian Parents to Guide Their Children in this Digital Era

When it comes to digital parenting, it is important to teach kids to use digital devices wisely. Below are some tips to help your children in learning the healthy habits of digital use:

1. Set Boundaries and Limits on Screen Time

Some parents discover that the simplest approach is to have designated days or times when screens are turned off. For example, you could opt for a rule where screens are prohibited on school days, except when necessary for homework, or you may choose to limit screen usage during specific hours.

Read more: Things To Do When Your Children Have Lots of Homework To Do

It’s emphasized that mealtimes, especially, should consistently remain free from screens, including parents’ phones. Implementing such guidelines alleviates the need for day-to-day or case-by-case decisions regarding screen time. Once children overcome their initial reluctance, they tend to accept this rule just like any other.

2. Monitor your Children’s Online Activity 

At some point, your children will encounter content that hasn’t received your approval and may access devices lacking internet filters. Initiate a conversation with your children regarding situations that may occur and the expected behavior in such instances.

3. Teach Your Children to Use Technology Responsibly and Ethically

Promoting critical thinking about the content they see on screens is imperative. Ask your children to assess the accuracy of information on the internet. Pose questions to prompt their awareness, such as whether they can recognize if a website is reliable. Help your children to understand that media is created by individuals with distinct perspectives. Teach your children that various technologies gather data for advertising or financial purposes.

4. Use Technology to Supplement Your Children’s Spiritual Growth

Find interactive applications and online platforms crafted for children focusing on the Bible. These mediums frequently deliver biblical narratives in captivating presentations, integrating animations, games, and quizzes to enhance the interactive and enjoyable aspects of learning. Also, inspire your children to maintain digital prayer journals, utilizing apps or online platforms to document their thoughts, prayers, and reflections on Bible verses. This practice cultivates a unique and personal bond with their faith.

5. Have Open and Honest Communications with Your Children about Their Technology Use

Engage in open and truthful discussions with your children regarding their online interactions, emphasizing the importance of understanding their communication circle in the presence of parents. Teach them that everything shared online, including photos, videos, comments, and interactions with others, creates a lasting record of information about them. Emphasize the significance of maintaining a positive “digital footprint” by being mindful of their online actions and expressions.

Ensure they comprehend that engaging in discriminatory or inappropriate communication is never acceptable. Stress the importance of refraining from spreading rumors or sharing hurtful and embarrassing content, as what might be perceived as a harmless joke by one person can inflict deep harm on others.

6. Be Actively Involved in Your Children’s Digital Lives

Assist your children in identifying and steering clear of misinformation, disinformation, as well as content that is not suitable for their age group and has the potential to cause anxiety or harm. Familiarize them with reliable sources of information.

Children may encounter advertising that promotes unhealthy foods, reinforces gender stereotypes, or features age-inappropriate material. Guide them in recognizing online advertisements and take the opportunity to discuss the problematic aspects of negative messaging.

Dedicate time with your children to pinpoint age-appropriate apps, games, and other online entertainment options. Stay vigilant for apps that might contain harmful content or pose privacy risks.

7. Discuss How Emotions and Media Connect

Discuss the correlation between media consumption and emotions, highlighting how individuals often turn to social media during periods of stress or happiness. It’s common to look for comfort or share moments of joy through online platforms. At the same time, it’s vital to recognize that the content we encounter online altogether impacts our emotional well-being. This understanding is crucial for both children and parents as they explore the digital landscape. Also, consider addressing the impact of excessive screen time on mental well-being and giving tips for cultivating a solid relationship with media utilization.

Discover. Learn. Thrive.

6 Ways Christian Schools Support Parenting in the Digital Age

Some parents are not digital natives and might not navigate well through the latest digital trends. This is where Christian schools come in to help parents guide their children in digital use and awareness.

1. Technology Education

Christian schools can provide education on how to use technology safely, responsibly, and ethically. This can include lessons on internet safety, digital citizenship, and responsible use of digital devices.

2. Media Literacy

Through its Christian curriculum or faith-based learning approach, students learn critical thinking skills regarding media consumption to evaluate the credibility and reliability of the information they encounter online.

3. Curriculum Integration

By incorporating technology and digital media into their curriculum in a way that is consistent with Christian values and teachings, Christian schools can enhance learning and supplement it with faith-based content.

Read more: The Importance of Growth Mindset for Learning

4. Cyberbullying Prevention

By teaching students holistically about bullying and the various forms it comes in, Christian schools serve to educate and provide resources to prevent and address cyberbullying. This can include teaching students about the effects of bullying and how to respond if they are a victim or someone they know is being bullied.

5. Parenting Workshops and Seminars

Christian schools often desire to serve the whole family in their learning journey, and this can be done by providing workshops and resources for parents to help them understand the latest technology and its potential effects on their children. Such programs can also provide guidance on setting boundaries and monitor children’s use of technology in a way consistent with Christian values.

6. Community

Community is crucial for our faith growth and journey. Christian schools serve as a community of like-minded parents and educators who can support and guide each other as they navigate the digital world with their children.

By providing these resources and opportunities, Christian schools are parents’ education partners as they guide their children in the digital age. They encourage parents to remain steadfast and consistent with their faith and values, which may be the solution you are looking for to best guide your child’s learning journey and growth in this rapidly evolving digital age.


In conclusion, Christian parenting in the digital age presents an opportunity for parents to instill values of faith, morality, and responsible behavior in their children’s digital interactions. By incorporating teachings from the Bible into their approach, parents can guide their children to use technology wisely, respect others online, and engage with content that aligns with their Christian values.

Setting boundaries, observing online activities, promoting critical thinking, and utilizing technology for spiritual growth are essential strategies to explore the digital world effectively. Moreover, Christian schools play a vital role in supporting parents by providing education, curriculum integration, and resources to assist children in their digital and learning journey while upholding Christian principles.

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Sekolah Pelita Harapan

Established in 1993, Sekolah Pelita Harapan (SPH) has become a trusted International Christian School in Jakarta providing Christian education for Indonesian and expatriate families. As a dedicated partner in education, SPH seeks to empower families with personalized programs and resources, fostering academic excellence, nurturing faith, building character, and facilitating their children's personal growth.