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“Show me your friends, and I’ll show you who you are” is a timeless quote that speaks volumes about the impact our social circles have on shaping our identities. It underscores the influence our companions have in molding our character, shaping our beliefs, and fueling our aspirations. As parents, we understand the profound significance of the communities and friendships our children cultivate throughout their journey of growth and discovery.

From the moment they step into the world, our children begin to form connections with others, weaving intricate webs of relationships that become integral to their development. Within these bonds, they learn invaluable lessons on navigating unfamiliar territories, distinguishing between positive and negative influences, and embodying the values of Christian friendship. 

The formative years ​​between ages 3 and 4 is when children begin to develop a better understanding of their bodies, emotions, and social interactions. This is a critical period when they start to grasp concepts like self-esteem and empathy. They become more adept at expressing their needs and desires, leading to fewer temper tantrums and improved communication skills. 

Additionally, this age marks the beginning of forming friendships and playing in small groups, where children learn the dynamics of social interaction and acceptable behavior. This period serves as a foundation for our children, during which they learn to adapt to new environments and draw strength from the support of their peers. This article will discuss six values surrounding friendship and how to maintain them in a Christ-like manner.

What is Friendship in the Christian Worldview?

In the Christian worldview, friendship is viewed as a sacred bond rooted in love, mutual respect, and shared faith in God. It goes beyond mere companionship or social connection, embodying the principles of selflessness, encouragement, and support as exemplified by Jesus Christ. 

Christian friendship is grounded in biblical teachings that emphasize forgiveness, empathy, and the uplifting of one another in times of joy and adversity. It is seen as a gift from God, where individuals are called to embody Christ’s love towards each other, fostering relationships that reflect His grace and truth.

What is Friendship in the Christian Worldview?

6 Values of Christian Friendship That Are Very Important for Your Child

In today’s fast-paced world, parents hold a vital role in nurturing the values of Christian friendship within their children. Rooted in Christ’s teachings, Christian friendship underscores the essence of love, forgiveness, and loyalty. 

By prioritizing love and exemplifying forgiveness in their own relationships, parents lay the groundwork for authentic connections grounded in empathy and grace. Teaching children the significance of faithfulness and unwavering support fosters trust and reliability in their friendships. Through guidance and personal example, parents empower their children to embrace the transformative essence of Christian friendship, enriching their lives and fostering a community marked by compassion and joy.

1. Shared Faith

In Christian friendship, a shared faith serves as the bedrock upon which the relationship is built, anchoring it in a profound sense of spiritual unity. Parents have the privilege of guiding their children to seek out companions who not only share their beliefs but also actively live out their faith. This helps our kids build close bonds that go beyond just being buddies. Their friendship becomes a journey of faith together. 

Proverbs 27:17 states, “As iron sharpens iron, so one person sharpens another.” This means that just like metal gets stronger when it rubs against metal, our faith gets stronger when we’re with friends who share it. Encourage them to pray together, worship together, and talk about what they believe in. This makes them feel supported and comforted, knowing they’re walking through life with friends who are on the same path as God.

2. Mutual Support

In true friendship, there’s a special bond of a kind where friends always have each other’s backs. It’s like having a teammate who cheers you on no matter what. As parents, we need to teach our kids how important it is to be there for their friends. Whether it’s lending an ear to listen, giving a comforting hug, or helping out in tough times, these little acts of kindness build a strong foundation of care and unity.

The Bible, in Galatians 6:2, states, “Bear one another’s burdens, and so fulfill the law of Christ.” This means that when we support each other, we’re following the example of a compassionate figure like Jesus, who always showed love and compassion to those in need. By teaching our children to be supportive friends, we help them create a culture of kindness and solidarity that makes their friendships even stronger. Remember, to be surrounded by good friends, we must first be a good friend to others.

3. Accountability

Accountability is like having a compass that helps us stay on the right path. In Christian friendship, it means holding each other to higher standards of behavior and morality. When our children learn to be accountable to their friends, they’re learning the value of honesty and responsibility. They understand that their actions have consequences, and they strive to do what’s right, even when it’s hard. 

James 5:16 states, “Therefore, confess your sins to one another and pray for one another, that you may be healed.” This shows us that accountability is not about judgment but about helping each other grow and become better people. When we encourage our children to speak truth in love and gently guide their friends towards righteousness, we help them build stronger bonds and foster personal growth within their friendships.

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Discover. Learn. Thrive.

4. Honesty 

Honesty is the cornerstone of trust in any relationship. It’s like building a house on a solid foundation. In friendships, maintaining honesty and truth is crucial, especially when they are faced with difficult situations where they’re tempted to say a “white lie” to avoid hurting their friend’s feelings. Our children learn that telling the truth, even when it’s difficult, is the right thing to do. When they’re honest with their friends, they build a strong bond of trust that can weather any storm. 

Ephesians 4:25 states, “Therefore, each of you must put off falsehood and speak truthfully to your neighbor, for we are all members of one body.” This verse reminds us that honesty is not just a good idea; it’s also a commandment from God. Keep this scripture in mind when teaching our children the importance of honesty and encouraging them to speak truthfully to their friends. Through this value, we help them create friendships built on a solid foundation of trust and integrity.

5. Genuine Compassion

Compassion is like a warm embrace that brings comfort and understanding to others. In Christian friendship, it’s about seeing the world through the eyes of our friends and walking alongside them in their journey. 

It’s important to teach our children to open their hearts to the struggles and joys of their friends, regardless of their background, culture, or beliefs. As a Christian friend, they must learn to show kindness and understanding without jumping to conclusions or passing judgment. In John 13:34, Jesus said, “Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.” This verse reminds us that compassion is a fundamental aspect of Christian love.

Remember, in life, we will build friendships with people who may come from different backgrounds or have different life experiences. In these instances, maintaining compassion and empathy becomes even more crucial. Embrace diversity, seek to understand the unique perspectives people have, and create an atmosphere of warmth and acceptance where everyone feels valued and respected. 

6. Forgiveness and Reconciliation

Sometimes, friendships experience ups and downs, facing challenges that test the strength of our bonds. Urge them to create a culture of forgiveness and reconciliation within their friendships, as it is essential for overcoming obstacles and strengthening their bonds. 

In the Bible, we are reminded of the importance of forgiving others and seeking reconciliation. In Matthew 6:14-15, Jesus says, “For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you. 

But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.” This verse emphasizes the necessity of extending forgiveness to others, knowing that it reflects the forgiveness we have received from God.

Remember to emphasize that forgiveness is not a sign of weakness but a demonstration of grace and compassion, reflecting the love extended to us by our Heavenly Father. 

The Power of Friendship in Christian Life

If the six values ​​previously explained are successfully implemented, both parties will feel great strength, which builds friendship. 

Because these friendships serve as pillars of support and encouragement, they provide spiritual companionship and accountability in the journey of faith. Firstly, friendships in Christianity reflect God’s relational nature, encouraging believers to love one another as Christ loves the Church. 

They offer opportunities for mutual edification through prayer, Bible study, and shared worship, fostering spiritual growth and maturity. Secondly, Christian friendships exemplify sacrificial love, as friends are called to bear each other’s burdens, offer guidance in times of uncertainty, and celebrate victories together. Through such bonds, individuals experience the transformative power of God’s love manifested in human relationships, strengthening their faith and witness to others.

Friendship is one of the biggest blessings we can experience in life. It’s a gift that enriches our journey, brings joy to our hearts, and strengthens our spirits. As we reflect on the values of Christian friendship we’ve explored, let us remember that these principles shape not only the friendships we cherish but also the individuals we become.

Being a friend who is kind, accountable, and honest, and who wants the best for their friends, is an invaluable friend. But before dreaming of having such a friend, we have to teach our children to become a friend who has these 6 values and qualities.

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With children spending a significant portion of their time at school, choosing an institution with a healthy Christian community is crucial for parents who desire their children to grow in Christ. 

At SPH, we offer more than academic excellence—we foster an enriching environment where faith, character, and education intertwine to shape well-rounded individuals. 

Our SPH International Curriculum is designed to complement this holistic approach, ensuring students receive a comprehensive education that transcends mere academics. Discover how SPH can be the perfect fit for your family’s educational journey, and contact us today!

Your Journey to Lifelong Learning Starts Here

Sekolah Pelita Harapan

Established in 1993, Sekolah Pelita Harapan (SPH) has become a trusted International Christian School in Jakarta providing Christian education for Indonesian and expatriate families. As a dedicated partner in education, SPH seeks to empower families with personalized programs and resources, fostering academic excellence, nurturing faith, building character, and facilitating their children's personal growth.